Decolonial city tour


As a society, we and our future generations need to know what happened so that colonialism can be sustainably deconstructed. Then we can all benefit from it.


I have always been interested in decolonial work because it is important to me to speak openly about different realities. Open and authentic discourse is very important to me.

German colonies outside Africa

Bismarck Archipelago, Neuhannover, Scharnhorst... have you ever heard of these places? Guess what: none of these places are in Germany - on the contrary, they are all very, very far away. You may have noticed that, for the very first time in the history of the Federal Republic of Germany, the 2018 coalition agreement of the Grand Coalition [...]

How does (did) Germany benefit from the slave trade?

The activities of the Germans in the global trade with enslaved people enriched the German financial and capital system, which flowed into the raw materials and metal industry, among other things, which helped to create our current prosperity.

White fragility

Today we are talking about white fragility.
This term was used by Robin DiAngelo in her book. In it, she describes "white fragility" as the defensive reactions of some white people when confronted with racism.

Trivialization of racism

Today we are talking about a children's playground in Berlin Mitte, the Volkspark Friedrichshain. Racism is still trivialized in various ways today, both intentionally and unintentionally. This leads us to normalize violent expressions or games. Those affected experience microaggressions. Here are examples of what this can look like: Let's get into the topic now: [...]

What does colonialism have to do with climate change?

The existing power structures of colonialism harm many people around the world, even the Global North. Its consequences extend far beyond its direct effects. One of the major problems we face today is climate change, and colonialism has contributed to the fact that industrialized countries now emit far more greenhouse gases than countries in the Global South. This is due to [...]

History of medicine

Although difficult, the first step to eliminating or combating racism in medicine is to understand that it goes beyond personal bias or prejudice on the part of healthcare providers.


The African Quarter anchors German colonial history in Berlin's street atlas. Yet this is hardly known. On a two-hour tour, you will learn about the history of the neighborhood.