Decolonial city tour

May Ayim: An Afro-German inspiration

Did you know that the effects of racism in German society cost May Ayim her life? Her story tells us about the experiences of being an Afro-German woman and how these experiences can affect your mental health. Let's read a little more about her life and her activism. What does [...]

May Ayim: An Afro-German inspiration

Did you know that the effects of racism in German society cost May Ayim her life? Her story tells us about the experiences of being an Afro-German woman and how these experiences can affect one's mental health. Let's read a little more about her life and her activism. What does May Ayim's story tell us [...]

Audre Lorde: Five interesting facts

Did you know that Audre Lorde inspired many Afro-German women during her years in Berlin? Here are 5 interesting things you should know about her during her years in Berlin! Lorde has led a very diverse life in Berlin. But whatever Audre Lorde has done during her years in Berlin has inspired future [...]

Josephine Baker: An icon for a lifetime

Why isn't this taught in school? Josephine Baker was a role model and broke the "racial barriers" in the entertainment industry. She was the first black woman to star in a major motion picture and the first to host a major Broadway show. Her influence extended far beyond the stage. Josephine Baker was a fierce advocate of the [...]