The Nightmares We Live: Exploring Trauma, Migration, and Class in Two Powerful Films
The trauma of forced migration, particularly on the African continent, is deeply entangled with Europe’s colonial history, which was marked by exploitation of both land and people.
How Necropolitics Shapes Our View of Global Crises
Whether it’s Sudan, Iran, Palestine, Congo, or Haiti, many of these crises share a common origin: systems of oppression like colonialism and slavery. Yet, there’s a significant lack of responsibility or accountability from the Western world, even though the roots of these issues are deeply linked to its exploitative history
Beyond the Headlines: Women’s Resistance in Iran Through Art and Film
These powerful photos made global headlines, shining a light on the incredible bravery of these women. However, the news, while essential, often gives us a one-sided view of events. The focus is usually on generating clicks and watch time
Toni Morrison: A Literary Giant Who Paved the Way for Others
Morrison’s impact on literature, particularly for Black women, is undeniable. Black women have always been integral to storytelling, despite often being erased from mainstream narratives. Morrison’s work reminds us of this truth, offering tenderness mixed with righteous anger, complex relationships, and an artistry in writing that continues to influence the literary world. Today, I’d like to share two books that, in my view, carry on Morrison’s legacy of nuanced storytelling and emotional depth.
Reclaiming Documentary Cinema: Turning the Gaze Black & Brown
However, while Paris is Burning has earned its iconic status, it isn’t without its controversies. The film was directed by Jennie Livingston, a white woman who is of an upper middle class background, who has never been a part of ballroom culture.
The Misuse of Words as Structural Erasure in Liberation Movements
Have you ever heard the word quilombo? In South America, particularly in Brazil, it is often misused to mean „chaos“ or „mess.“ But in reality, quilombo refers to communities of formerly enslaved people who escaped and built free, self-sustained societies.
Rechte Unterwanderung und koloniale Tradition des Berliner Schlosses?
Die konträren Debatten über den Gebäudekomplex des Humboldt-Forums / des Berliner Schlosses gehen weiter. Rechte Unterwanderung und koloniale Traditionen – bei diesen Themen taucht ein immer wiederkehrendes Déjà-vu einer sozio-ökonomisch-historischen Amnesie auf. Es ist ein Phänomen der „unschuldigen“ Vergessenheit. Die vergessene Geschichte der christlichen Symbolik am Berliner Schloss/Humboldt-Forum Wir leben im Erbe des Kolonialismus und […]
Warum soll ich mich mit der deutschen Kolonialgeschichte befassen?
Warum ist die Kolonialgeschichte wichtig? Was hat diese Epoche mit der heutigen Zeit zu tun? Wie beeinflusst sie unser heutiges Leben?
Kolonialismus als Machtstruktur verstehen
Der Kolonialismus wurde als Machtstruktur auf verschiedenen Ebenen manifestiert: wirtschaftlich, politisch, sozial und geistig.
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